Project Description


Spirulina is used for Constipation, Detoxification, Wound Healing and protect against carcinogens.

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Spirulina possesses an amazing range of benefits . Chlorophyll rich foods are also healt such ashy in their own right and contain essential vitamins and nutrients needed for cardiovascular, muscular, and neural health. Healthcare providers use chlorophyll intravenously for treating a pancreas problem called chronic relapsing pancreatitis.

Chlorophyll binds with toxic metals to hamper absorption, and research has shown it can do the same with some carcinogens. chlorophyll’s ability to remove ingested aflatoxin, a known carcinogen. Chlorophyll’s status as a superfood is due to its nutritional and potent antioxidant properties. It protects cells from oxidative damage by eliminating free radicals.

A modified form of chlorophyll known as chlorophyllin may be highly effective for anemia. By swapping iron for magnesium at the center of the molecule, it provides a bioavailable form of iron the body can use. While scientists may look for ways to develop patent-able medicines, no one needs to wait to take chlorophyll to gain its benefits.