
Mack Trayso, Attorney, New Zealand

“I am very excited to tell you that the ganglion cyst that I had on my neck is gone.”

Testimonials From Our Customers

Ganglion Neck Cyst- “I am very excited to tell you that the cyst that I had on my neck is gone. When the doctor told me it was a ganglion cyst I was very frightened. I am a single mom living on a tight budget and I can’t afford to take time off work. The cyst was too thick to be aspirated and I read up a lot on surgery”.

I was told that there was a 40% chance of it coming back. I found your website and it made a lot of sense to me – how the only way to remove the cyst without it coming back is from the inside – how the surgery can only take out the cyst but not the roots, which are much deeper inside – and how there can be complications. When I read that the founder of Release Free had had a ganglion cyst himself and had recovered from it without having to have surgery and without an ugly scar, and that it had not returned in over 25 years, I was very interested. This was the main reason why I ordered the pills right away – no other company had made that claim.

So I ordered 2 bottles of the extra strength capsules. I felt a warm sensation throughout my body, including my neck.This was about 2 months ago and it has completely gone. Thank you for helping me!
Sorry about the long email but I think people should know about this. Thanks again.”
Mack Trayso, New York, New York

Baker's-Knee-Cyst-Cure B-Relief Capsules. Dissolves Baker's Cyst Naturally. INFO: bakerstreatment.com